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Li Ji Gu Zhuang

2016 Duke 150g Raw Tea

2016 Duke 150g Raw Tea

Regular price $127.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $127.00 USD
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     By utilizing sun-dried one-sprout, one-blade green tealeaves picked from ages-old tea trees growing in Wuliang Mountain of Jinggu Township in Jinggu County of Puer Municipality as raw material, and by introducing modern hygiene standards, Guzhuang Tea Factory manufactures unfermented tea products of this series, which are processed by indigenous technology like tealeaf killing in large woks, sun-drying, tealeaf selection and pressing. Tea of this series features stout and long sprouts, numerous tender leaves, soft and large blades, long maturing period of new sprouts and steeping endurance of tender leaves. The tea juice tastes mellow and gives enduring, sweet aftertaste. 
    Fermented tea of this series is processed by indigenous technology such as tealeaf killing in large woks and sun drying, after which the tealeaves are piled up for fermentation, carefully selected and pressed into shape. Boasting genuine quality and crystal-clear juice, and thanks to its function in promoting the production of body fluid and quenching thirst, this tea is the best choice of high-end consumers, or the ideal drink for entertaining distinguished guests.

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